Saturday, November 8, 2008

Home James, and don't spare the horses

Yay, I'm up and running again! Please go visit my original blog, accept no substitutes!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Yup, it's alive. Crypt Stitch on Blogspot that is. My computer won't play with Typepad, and frankly I haven't the spare cash to give up and upgrade this five year old beast, so I took the cheats way out and came to Blogger instead. So, HI! Been a while! I'm so pleased you followed me over here, really, I am.
And now, for your dose of what will (maybe) be a weekly thang...Victorian Era Photo, COME ON DOWN!

This is from JosephNovak33's Flickr photostream. Aaah Flickr, a thing of beauty. And so is this lovely's dress and hair!

Heroes season premiere tonight, off to claim my spot on the lounge...